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                Ordinary Film

                It can preserve heat and soil moisture, improve light utilization ratio, speed up the degeneration of organic substance, keep the soil loose and ventilated, prevent the soil from splashing to crops during rainfall, and is effective in preventing and controlling pests and diseases of crops.

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                            连山| 邳州市| 兴国县| 河北省| 余庆县| 江阴市| 常德市| 扶余县| 靖安县| 台江县| 罗定市| 册亨县| 静乐县| 英德市| 西宁市| 襄汾县| 临江市| 曲阳县| 三河市| 文昌市| 望城县| 铜山县| 喀什市| 兴仁县| 嵊州市| 易门县| 拜泉县| 岳普湖县| 婺源县| 防城港市| 永修县| 长沙市| 开化县| 柳林县| 三原县| 安顺市| 阳信县| 新河县| 木里| 沁源县| 长海县|